Sunday, March 6, 2011

Reflection: Classroom 2.0

            After digging around “Classroom 2.0”, the first thing I discovered is that social networking really does have a huge impact on our society. As a society of teachers, we can now communicate much more easily and teach in different ways as a result of this communication.
            This website is incredible just in terms of the number of people that belong to it. When I was digging around, there were almost 54,000 people following this website. That means that so many people want to share their ideas and learn from others. I clicked on Steve Hargadon’s blog and just enjoyed looking at his posts, but I also liked how he gave dates and links to actual real life events so that teachers can expand their professional development in that way.
            This website also has many interactive tools that use Elluminate. This is a webconferencing tool where teachers can get on and watch someone talk about whatever subject “Classroom 2.0 Live” is talking about. Teachers can also access the archive of these videos and watch them whenever.
            On top of all these, there are 33 pages of groups (over 660). I clicked on “International Primary School Educators” just for fun and this took me to a forum where there are links to great schools abroad and discussions about education in other countries. Yep, 660 resources just like this that vary greatly.

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