Sunday, March 6, 2011

Podcast Reflection #8: Response Systems in Netbooks

            I had been finding a lot of resources for things dealing with iPods and iPads, and finally Tony Vincent, in “Four Students Response Systems”, gives educators great resources to promote interactive learning in the classroom through computers!
            The first resource I will discuss is “QuestionPress”. This is an assessment and response tool that can be used on any device that is connected to the Internet. It allows teachers to enter pre-created questions or create on-the-fly questions that will be instantly uploaded into the server. It also has more than just multiple choice questions; QuestionPress allows teachers to utilize true/false, fill in the blank, check all that apply, and even short answer. On top of that, this resource can make the job of a teacher easier because it can grade the students responses based on what the teacher told it. This is also beneficial for the student because the score can be seen immediately, which is something other programs do not do. This resource would be great in a formal assessment setting as well as an informal setting.
            Another resource Vincent recommends is “Google Docs”. Having used Docs before, I know how cool of a resource it really is. He talks about how Docs has a way to collect responses, for a quiz or test or attendance, called Forms. Like QuestionPress, Forms allows teachers to ask questions of the students and then have the students answer them in multiple choice, short answer, essay, and more. Once the student submits his or her responses, the information is compiled into a spreadsheet that is easily readable by the teacher. Now, I think that Forms may require more post-test work because the teacher has to go in and access the results, but I think that Google really made it teacher friendly, and people friendly as well, because all of these resources are free whereas QuestionPress required a subscription.
            With these new resources that can be used on computers and used anywhere with an internet connection, I have more ways to get students really involved in technology!

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